Friday, May 16, 2008

Have Faith

No, I haven't forgotten my promise to post a free pattern and update all y'all on my trip to the Knitter's Frolic (and my popping in to Creativ Festival), but who knew work and motherhood were such an all-encompassing combination?!? At the moment I am getting over cold#2 which is a leftover from my son's throat infection, I think, but at this point I'm equally prepared to blame allergies. I seem to succumb to something heinous at spring time. For instance, were any of you at Creativ Festival last spring and caught my Knitting Stuffed Animals talk? Double pink eye, my friends. Enough said.

So now I have to go shopping for clothes in Toronto with my Other Mother (mother-in-law can have negative connotations and they definitely don't apply here!). I use the word "have" because I'm not a major clothing shopper, but I need work clothes for my new gig at Fur Yarn and my Other Mother and I exchanged gift certificates for Winners at Christmas time.

This weekend should be spent gardening (I run a plant stand on the honour system out front at my place this time of year), and I have to get some annuals re-potted. I also hope to work on some Fur Yarn-y goodness too. I am doing three things for them right now: 1) reworking an existing collar pattern into a short scarf for Knit Simple magazine (the original is S119 - a zig-zag collar done in Rex Rabbit - link to the site and check kits), crocheting a sample of their Rex Rabbit Cape (kit# SL 104), and modifying my Wee Mouse pattern for Fur Yarn, with the hopes of knitting the body in the round and like a tiny sock, "turn the heel" to create the shaping for the head. Wish me luck on that one.

Sorry about the lack of pics. I'll do a catch-up post with some type of knitting eye-candy asap. Maybe this weekend. Don't hold me to anything. Apparently I suck on the continuity of blogging front.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sad to hear you're feeling poorly. How was the CrativFestival?
